Saturday, October 27, 2012

Laboratory method

The laboratory method is important in the teaching to see in having laboratories in the class. It is a set of the firsthand learning activity to investigate a problem, conduction experiments, observer processes and applied theories in a simulated setting. Often referred to place for experimental study in natural and physical science where various experimental apparatus, equipment and chemical substances are tested, analyzed and prepared. There are types of laboratory method are: experimental and observational type. The experimental type is the aimed to train individuals in solving problems with acquisition of information and development of motor skills. The observational type is the primary objective is acquisition of important facts and information.

Learning Module and Seminar

The module is the most widely accept instructional materials in the learning. It is an innovation popular among both developed. Its popularity has been largely due to the impact brought by projects on the preparation and of module of the deferent offices. It is important that they have a criteria of a good instructional module are: it should self-contained, Self-pacing, Adequately motivating, provide opportunities for interaction with learner, objective and activates should be properly sequenced. The components of module learning are: Title, Target population, Overview, Objective, Instruction to the learner, Entry behavior and prerequisite skills, Pretest, Pretest feedback and evaluation, learning activities, post-test, posttest feedback and evaluation, and teacher manual or guide. It can help the teacher to simple to discuss the subject to the learner of having a module.
The seminar is a deliberative body looking for the solution to the problem from the evidence based on reading, experience and minds of its participants.  The steps in preparing for a discussion in a seminar depend on how complex the problem, Expert of the leader, skill the leader is in guiding through the probes of leader.

Method of Teaching

It is comprise the principles and methods used for instruction. Commonly used teaching methods may include class participation, demonstration, recitation, memorization, or combination of these. The choice of teaching methods to be used depends largely on the information or skill that being taught, and it may be influenced by the aptitude and enthusiasm of the student. It may be have many deferent method of teaching but all this method makes the fundamental sources to guide teachers in making decision with regard to teaching methods. The principle of method based on the board objectives of education is a method should be concerned with all aspects of child development in physical, intellectual, social and emotional, have a well-balanced program of activities for learner. The inductive method is simply defined as the process of arriving at a given generalization. It starts from the known to the unknown. It can help student discover important rules or truth for themselves through careful observation of enough specific examples that will support the generalization. The utilization of the inductive method includes five steps, such as: Preparation, Presentation, Comparison and abstraction, Generalization and application. The deductive method is the reverse of the inductive procedure. Which induction starts with a study of specific case and ends with a generalization or rule. it can teach the student to master difficulties by utilizing truth or establish by others. There are four employed in deductive method. There are: statement of the problem, generalization, inference and verification. The project method is significant until of activity of a problematic nature, planned and carried to completion by the student in a nature manner, and involving the use of physical materials to complete the unit of experience. There are four steps in project method and there are: Purposing, Planning, Executing, Evaluating. It can help the teacher to improve the method what they want to teacher in there pupils in the class.

The Appreciation Lesson

This type of Lesson is designed to instruct the class to understand, appreciate and enjoy something, it is to plan interesting lessons that will stimulate and induce learners to appreciate what is beautiful and worthwhile. The types of appreciation are aesthetic, ethical-social, intellectual appreciation it develop the appreciating natural creations in environment, ethical values and social and the admiration of the technique of pianist of the creative mind. The suggestions for developing appreciation are: chose materials and learning activities that the learners are interested, the learner must participate directly in the learning activities to drive emotional feeling and satisfaction. The purposes of the review to retention of the facts and information, organization of materials and experiences, ability of the learner to evaluate the material, foundation of further learning, diagnosis of learners weakness and development in the interest in the old materials.

Different Types of Lessons

In method of teaching there are deferent types of lesson to making a based on they want to organize to learn their learners. The development lesson is a type of something to be learned in which a new idea is presented and developed, and it make develop the physical and mental ability of the student to motivated them in formal and informal development lessons. The formal lessons it is deductive and inductive method or through general to specific case. And the Informal lesson it is uses the question and answer method or the conversational approach. There are conditions necessary to have a good developmental lesson and there are: mastery of the subject matter by the teacher, recall of previous experiences that have direct learning o the new lesson, the teacher’s clear picture of what is to be perceived, presented, executed and developed.
 The supervised studies lesson this type of lesson that teaches learner how to study a given subject effectively under the direction and guidance of the teacher. This important of observation that a number of failures and dropouts in the school are due to poor study, many hours especially in the rural and slum areas do not have lighting. There are types of supervised study lessons: Group study, Study with printed materials, Programmed instruction, Science laboratories, the library study plan it makes more improved learning task of a teacher. 
The drill lesson is intended for automatization of certain facts, habit, attitudes and skills to fix association for permanency or to perfect a certain degree a particular skill. In this types of lessons it mere repetition will not bring mastery of certain facts and information, the learners motivated them to arises from the learners interest and expressed purposes, a drill lessons requires concentration or focused for the learners attention should be specifically focused on the desired habits and skills to be developed. The principles of the drill activities are to have utilization of the principles of learning, way of conducting the drill, and the standards. 
The Application Lesson is a type of learning instruction that gives the learners the opportunity to relate, express and apply what they have learned. In this lesson have a certain situation are created that will lead learner to express their thoughts construction or illustration of the concept, or language what they think or feel. There are kinds of application lessons: story telling, oral reading, dramatization, written composition, construction and illustration, singing, creative work or composition, test.